Welcome to IbizaMapa. We are license holder to print road maps of the island Ibiza, Spain. We have an unique system for spreading the roadmaps all over the island. Our company printed the first road map of Ibiza back in 2009 as an public relation stunt for a new shop. We contacted some companies and noticed that a lot of business owners are interested being on a good map. We decided to print a map with the companies on it. All the companies on the map are that proud to be on it, that they will take care of spreading it to the tourists on Ibiza, for free. The map has been spreaded by:
Bars and restaurants, beachclubs and hotels
…but also by:
Fashion stores, repair companies, furniture dealers.
But the best is still to come! We found some serious car rental businesses who are giving away the road map to their customers as a free gift. And if you know how many cars are being rented all over the island, you can imagine how fast our maps are spread island-wide…